2018 NASSS Annual Conference
Sport Soundtrack: Sport, Music, & Culture

Jacob Bustad

Towson University
The body, the baby weight, and the wardrobe: Materiality and embodied motherhood
The body, the baby weight, and the wardrobe: Materiality and embodied motherhood
Clothing is often perceived as an effort to craft a particular body image and thus an accompanying identity (Guy & Banim, 2000). Previous research has explored the relationship between clothing and perception of body shape changes during pregnancy (Sohn & Bye, 2014), and many women keep clothing from pre-pregnancy in the postpartum period, regardless of whether it still fits (Bye & McKinney, 2007). These studies therefore suggest that clothing has specific meanings in the context of the postpartum period, wherein clothing takes on a particular significance in relation to the body, health, and physical activity. Anchored in data collected from 128 in-depth interviews with 32 women at three, six, nine, and 12 months postpartum, this presentation examines postpartum body image and satisfaction as intricately linked with clothing and the materiality of the maternal body. Specifically we argue that postpartum women often utilize the fit and function of clothing as both an expression of their maternal identity, and as a barometer for bodily recovery and recuperation following pregnancy. This analysis therefore focuses on how women discuss their wardrobe and their appearance in multi-dimensional and nuanced ways.